Joseph has been a puppetry practitioner for the National Theatre Learning Department since 2013, and has run workshops at the National and all across the country in Bunraku Puppetry. Since then, he has been teaching puppetry for various University and Drama School courses across the country, as well as running his own workshops for actors at the Jerwood Space, London.
Jerwood Space, London
Puppetry Constultant
Joseph has experience in co-ordinating and directing puppetry used in productions, catering to the needs of individual projects.
2018 / Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Producer / Kilworth House
Director / Andrew Wright
2018 / Rufus Longbottom and the Space Rabbit
Producer / Filament Theatre
Director / Sabina Netherclift
If you'd like to get in touch with Joseph to discuss a project, please feel free to get in touch using the box on the Contact page.
Since 2015, Joseph has been running workshops for actors at the Jerwood Space, London. Building on the basic principles of Bunraku puppetry, participants learn the value of puppetry in theatre making and storytelling.
Teatrul Tandarica, Bucharest
In 2018, Joseph was invited by Teatrul Tandarica to run a week long course in for their puppeteers looking at Bunraku puppetry techniques and the devising process.